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OCCOM | 澳世网络
Based on 9674 reviews
Based on 9674 reviews
Siavash Esfandiari
Siavash Esfandiari
04:32 14 Dec 24
Mini provided outstanding assistance with my internet speed issue. She quickly identified the problem, explained the solution clearly, and resolved it efficiently. Her professionalism and friendly attitude made the experience stress-free. Highly recommend her support!
Tara Pickett
Tara Pickett
05:32 13 Dec 24
I rang for technical support with setting up a complicated router and Gary went above and beyond to help me! He explained it so easily first time around and guided me step by step. Other providers have made mistakes setting up this router which had led to numerous issues and phone calls. Swapping to Occom, Gary had the knowledge & patience to guide me right the first time around. Highly recommend!
Wuwang Meow
Wuwang Meow
09:28 10 Dec 24
03:22 10 Dec 24
Yujing Xu
Yujing Xu
11:27 09 Dec 24
excellent service!客服Jim非常靠谱!小白在他的细心指导下终于连上wifi。由于联系的比较晚,Jim还加班帮忙处理,感谢感谢!
Shraddha Pareek
Shraddha Pareek
23:12 05 Dec 24
Excellent service! Gurdeep understood our request perfectly, provided us with all the best available options, and processed our request quickly. We are very happy with his service.
04:15 04 Dec 24
Byronn Liang
Byronn Liang
01:30 04 Dec 24
Anne Xu
Anne Xu
11:03 03 Dec 24
Jac Chen
Jac Chen
09:17 02 Dec 24
客服Hannie 超級有耐心🥹 又很積極幫忙我解決問題!
  • Step 1. Your Information:

  • Step 2. Your Friend's Information:

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  • Step 3: Completed!

    For each referral, both you and your friends can enjoy one month Free.
Refer Your Friends to OCCOM
  1. Who can participate in the event?
    • Referrer: Existing Occom customers.
    • Referee: New Occom customers.
  2. Event Period:
    from now until December 31st December 2024.
  3. Details:
    • Each successful referral rewards one month free service for both the referrer and the referee.
  4. How to refer friends to Occom?
    • Option 1: Provide your friends' details, and let us handle the rest. We will assist your friend in signing up with Occom.
    • Option 2: Share your unique referral code with your friends via email, WeChat, WhatsApp, or SMS.
  5. How to sign up with Occom?
    • Option 1: If you received a referral link from your friend, click on it and share your details to contact you.
    • Option 2: Contact Occom's sales team through one of the following channels and share your friend's unique referral code:
  1. When are you eligible to receive the referral reward?
    Both the referrer and referee will receive one month free service after the referee's service has been active for 40 days.
  2. Other Terms and Conditions:
    • The referred service must be one of the following products:
    • If the referee signs up for products other than the above-mentioned fibre services, such as ADSL2+ or mobile, the reward will be $10 per referral.
    • The referral becomes invalid if the referrer's or referee's service is cancelled within 40 days of the activation date.
    • This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other offers, promotions, or discounts.
    • Occom staff and dealers are not eligible for this program.
    • Occom reserves the right to make the final interpretation of this promotion.