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Medal received
OCCOM | 澳世网络
Based on 8847 reviews
Based on 8847 reviews
Pino Huang
Pino Huang
09:42 05 Oct 24
非常好的服務 很有效率 一步一步教學AT是個非常友善的客服 回覆速度也很快速
Cheng Lian Liu
Cheng Lian Liu
12:12 04 Oct 24
craig middleton
craig middleton
11:33 03 Oct 24
Gary was extremely helpful. He was professional, thorough while still be clear and user friendly. He was patient with my lack of tech knowledge and guided me through a complicated process with confidence. I cannot speak highly enough about Gary’s help. We got a great outcome which I appreciated. Thanks Gary
Haoyu Yang
Haoyu Yang
11:04 03 Oct 24
23:24 01 Oct 24
05:09 28 Sep 24
San San Lin
San San Lin
07:04 26 Sep 24
NIKHIL was soooooo patient with me and I was very frustrated when my internet doesn't work but he goes through step-by-step and then sent me images and text to help me and re-set everything with me! Highly recommended very friendly customer service. Thank you Nikhil!
Camille Ladisla
Camille Ladisla
07:54 21 Sep 24
I did relocate our internet as we changed our address and it was a breeze! Shout out to Ayushi for being patient and for that smooth service! Must recommend! 😊
Shuni Zhang
Shuni Zhang
10:45 20 Sep 24
Amaro Garcez
Amaro Garcez
03:34 14 Sep 24
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the excellent support provided by Rashika R. She was extremely professional and attentive throughout our online interaction. Rashika demonstrated a deep understanding of the issue and showed great patience in addressing all my questions. Her friendly and efficient approach made a significant difference and resolved my problem effectively. I am very appreciative of the exceptional support!
  • Step 1. Your Information:

  • Step 2. Your Friend's Information:

  • Step 3: Completed!

    For each referral, both you and your friends can enjoy $40 rewards.
Refer Your Friends to OCCOM
  1. Who can participate in the event?
    • Referrer: OCCOM existing customers
    • Referee: OCCOM new customers
  2. Event time: from now until September 30th, 2024
  3. Details:
    • Both Referrer and Referee will receive a $40 reward for each successful referral.
  4. How to refer friends to OCCOM?
    • Option 1: provide your friends’ Emails in below website:
    • Option 2: forward the event introduction by Email, WeChat or SMS, and tell your Account ID, mobile number or Email address to your friends
  5. How to register with OCCOM?
    • Option 1: if you have received a referral link from your friends, please simply click it to register.
    • Option 2: contact OCCOM sales team through below channels, and tell us your friend’s Account ID, mobile number or Email address:
  1. How to receive the reward?
    • Referrer: refund to Referrer’s bank card or bank account after the referred service is activated for 40 days.
    • Referee: refund to Referee’s bank card or bank account after the referred service is activated for 40 days.
  2. Other terms and conditions:
    • The referred service should be one of below products:
    • If the Referee can only sign up products other than above mentioned fibre products, such as ADSL2+ or mobile, the reward is $10 per referral.
    • The referral is invalid if referrer or referee's service is cancelled within 40 days since the referred service activation day.
    • This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other offers, promotions or discounts.
    • OCCOM staff and dealer are not eligible for this program.
    • OCCOM reserves the right of all final interpretation of this promotion.