I have been lost my interest signal for couple of days and for unknown reason, Daisy has been very friendly with patient and prompt response to direct me into determining the issue , then step by step to setting it up, helped me bring our internetback online.網路突然間斷線,Daisy 很有善並有耐心並且親切友善的一步一步帶領我找出問題並恢復連線。實在是太感謝了,曾經用過其它公司 但都因於客服的服務與態度 不會在使用第二次無論價格便宜 能跟Occom使用真是太好了
今天贵公司客服 Tom 非常耐心指教我,因为我一点不懂怎样连接网络,只能发图片给他一步步指教我,没想到我手机网速很慢每次发图片要等很久才能发过去我感觉很不好意思叫他等我的图片,Tom又每次再拍照回给我图片一步步指教我, 使我很顺利的接通了网络我很幸运碰到这位好客服解决了我十万火急的事在此非常感谢 Tom
非常感谢Willie在非工作日为我加急解决了nat网络的问题!从提供问题到解决仅仅用了半个小时!Willie的服务态度很棒,非常耐心,感谢他让我今天晚上就能玩上GT赛车7😀A big thank you to Willie for expediting the nat network issue for me on a non-working day! It only took half an hour from providing the problem to solving it.Willie is great and very patient, thanks to him I'll be able to play GT Racing 7 this evening 😀 !
Cookie’s service professional and efficient, online even at 9pm. The Internet is very fast. Very satisfying experience我是澳世网络的老客户了,搬了新家用了几天原房主的网络在晚上高峰期网速简直让人崩溃,此时已经晚上9点多于是马上联系了澳世客服,果断转到澳世网络,用了不到一天的时间已经帮我转好了网络,客服小Cookie的服务很专业,效率,耐心,周到,简单准确。链接之后,孩子们说这网速好快,不知道怎么形容快,孩子说“嗖”一下就打开网页。这回不用再为了网络而烦忧了,很满意的一次体验。推荐澳世
澳世客服微信一直工作到晚上九点,而且可以全中文服务,很棒。客服Tina非常好,她响应速度很快,也非常的专业。从开通到设置和连接路由器都手把手的教,服务结束后还让我有问题随时联系他们,赞。Customer service Tina is great, she is very responsive and very professional. She helped open the account and taught me everything from setting up to connecting the router, and told me don't hesitate to contact them if I had any questions, awesome.
历史五个月,终于把网弄好了。搬家前一直用的T网,因为之前都住自带nbn的公寓所以没觉得怎么样。但这次搬house,没有nbn,一楼基本没信号。联系Txxx装nbn说要五月才能安装,导致整个路由器成摆设。最后找到occom,四月nbn完成安装,之前还帮我弄了新的路由器+sim卡可以先用着。客服回复也是很及时,基本我一有问题马上就能帮我解决。有两次我是在快下班的时候联系的客服,客服也会很有耐心的帮我解决问题。Excellent services and very patient helpful after hour service. I switched my wifi package from Telstra to OCCOM, which is a wise choice. There was no NBN in my new house, I contacted Telstra, and they said I have to wait until the end of May. But with OCCOM, NBN installed on April. And they also gave me backup plan before NBN is installed completely.